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Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Artificial Neural Network

Ever since eternity, one thing that has made human beings stand apart from the rest of the animal kingdom is, its brain .The most intelligent device on earth, the “Human brain” is the driving force that has given us the ever-progressive species diving into technology and development as each day progresses.

Due to his inquisitive nature, man tried to make machines that could do intelligent job processing, and take decisions according to instructions fed to it. What resulted was the machine that revolutionized the whole world, the “Computer” (more technically speaking the Von Neumann Computer). Even though it could perform millions of calculations every second, display incredible graphics and 3-dimentional animations, play audio and video but it made the same mistake every time.
Practice could not make it perfect. So the quest for making more intelligent device continued. These researches lead to birth of more powerful processors with high-tech equipments attached to it, super computers with capabilities to handle more than one task at a time and finally networks with resources sharing facilities. But still the problem of designing machines with intelligent self-learning, loomed large in front of mankind. Then the idea of initiating human brain stuck the designers who started their researches one of the technologies that will change the way computer work Artificial Neural Networks.

For more details Download.

Artificial Neural Network.doc  

 afn.doc by Milind Goratela

Artificial Neural Network.ppt 

                                                        afn.ppt by Milind Goratela

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